Easter Morning Sunrise

The Glacier Lily and the Spring Beauties are the first wildflowers to bloom. This weekend we noticed that the Oregon anemones with their blue flowers have also started to appear. There are 135 wildflowers that bloom at Camas Meadows. The wildflower season starts now and is pretty much completed by early July.

The picture below is arrowleaf balsam taken last year in the middle of May. Entire sections of the meadow turn yellow in early May. The camas flowers then turn the meadow into a sea of blue later in May. The peak wildflower display is usually the mid-May. Spring is our favorite time at Camas. Blue sunny skies, the meadow filled with wildflowers and the elk back in the meadow. See the previous entry for more information on spring at Camas Meadows.
Currently Memorial Day weekend is booked but the other wildflower filled weekends in May are still open. The bikes are ready to ride and hiking trails are ready. To book your spring time retreat contact us through our web site: http://www.camasmeadowslodge.com.

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