Green Up!!

The wildflowers start appearing just after the snow melts. The meadow takes a bit longer to start greening up. This past weekend the green up has started in earnest. The aspen started breaking bud on Friday morning and were leafing out by Sunday.
On Saturday morning we went took the walk around the meadow. The walk is almost four miles and is always on the edge of the meadow. On our walk we saw 19 different species of wildflowers and this is just the beginning of wildflower season. The meadow has 135 different species of flowers. By this weekend we should start seeing the initial bloom of the Camas flowers.
On Sunday morning the elk herd paraded in front of the lodge. The count is 16 elk. Several of the cows appeared to be very pregnant. They should be dropping their calves any day now. It is always a treat to watch the young calves cavorting around the meadow this month.
One spring we watched as a pack of coyote's started running at the elk in the meadow. The elk formed a circle and protected the young calves. They never panicked or broke ranks and after 15 minutes or so the coyote's gave up the hunt. These events are rare, but do provide a special memory to staying at the meadow.
During the winter outdoor activities such as skiing and snowshoeing beckon. This time of year the wildflowers walks are a much more genteel activity. The elk watching is generally best from from the deck. And on those sunny afternoons the LaFuma recliners and a good glass of wine are always on the list of must do activities.
The forecast is for sunny weather east of the Cascades for the next several weeks. Temperatures should be in the low to mid 70's during the day. Perfect spring weather.
Remember the Leavenworth Bird Fest is the weekend of May 18-20. See previous entries for web address or do a search on Leavenworth Bird Fest.
We are booked for Memorial Day weekend. The other weekends in May are still open. This is a very special time at Camas Meadows. Don't miss it!!
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