The Splendor of Fall Colors

The larch on the opposite side of the meadow have yet to start turning color.

In other parts of the meadow the aspen still turn a brilliant yellow that contrasts nicely with the green of the pine's.
Activity around the meadow is quickening as the birds and mammals prepare for winter. The squirrels are busy collecting pine cone seeds for the winter ahead. The jays are busy dropping cones and eating the seeds. The elk in the meadow are preparing for their trip to the winter range on the Colockum Wildlife Area along the Columbia River. However, they intend to enjoy the fall colors and blue skies of Camas Meadows until the snow flies. You can hear the bull bugeling in the twilight, anxious to fulfill nature's command to enlarge the herd to offset the losses of the hard winter and hunter mortality.
Fall is a special time at Camas Meadows. Join the elk and rest of the wildlife as they enjoy the waning days of fall. We are open for several weekends in October and November.
December and January are starting to book for the Christmas season and ski season.
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