August, September and October offer the best star-watching season at Camas Meadows. The stars are always big and bright, but come August they just seem bigger and brighter than the rest of the year. August also has the strongest meteor showers of the year with the Persids on the night of 11th and 12th with close to a hundred meteors falling each hour after midnight.
Venus is moving into the evening sky and will soon be visible over Three Brothers Peak, a direct view from the deck. Mercury, Mars and Saturn will be keeping Venus company. While in the south Jupiter will be blazing by itself. The spotting scope at Camas will show the four moons of Jupiter as they dance around the planet.
If you have a telescope bring it up to Camas to view the night sky in all its glory. For those without telescopes bring your largest set of binoculars or use the spotting scope for a view of the night sky that you will long remember.
Camas Meadows has its own weather forecast to predict those clear nights:
Labor Day weekend is still open and offers a new moon for better viewing the stars.
We have openings from August 21st to Sept 8th including the weekends.
For those planning further ahead Christmas and New Years Eve are still open, but December 27th through the 30th is now booked.
For those interested in using the heavens above for more earthly pursuits, the full moon weekend in October is still open. The full moon rising over Camas Meadows is the perfect complement to a romantic evening.
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