Making Tracks after the Pineapple Express!!

When the Pineapple Express goes through the Northwest we generally get rapid snowmelt, flooding and a real mess; but the Pineapple Express blowing through Camas settles the snowpack and offers great recreational opportunities. Before, at Camas, we had over three feet of fluffy, powder snow which was beautiful and made snowshoe trips a delight. Skiing, however, was difficult as there was no base and your ski's just settled into three feet of powder. The dry snow also made building "snowpeople" a challenge.
By our third experience with chinook conditions, we knew the best ski conditions begin in Camas Meadows after the Pineapple Express has unleashed it's fury. The three feet plus of powder snow has become two feet of a solid base that allows great skiing throughout the meadow. Now we're ready for that skiff of powder snow so that conditions are absolutely perfect.

We have had a last minute cancellation for Martin Luther King's Holiday Weekend. As always, you can click on these photos to get a larger view of the current conditions and you may decide to reserve this upcoming weekend for you and your friends and family.
The last weekend in January and President's Day Holiday are booked, but there are still other weekends available. It is always a guess when spring will arrive and when winter sports are no longer possible at the meadow. But generally, we have good conditions until March 15th, or so.
So book your fun and relaxing trip now to enjoy this special place called is Camas Meadows.
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