Pretty Much a Normal Winter....
This is the view from the back deck on January 26th. We have had lots of precipitation this winter, but some of it has come as rather wet snow. There is a good base on the meadow for skiing and snow shoeing. The snowfall is way ahead of last year when the meadow was bare of snow and the elk were still in the meadow. This year there is plenty of snow and the elk left for their winter home along the Columbia River sometime in late November. We are probably at 80% of normal snow depth for this time of year.
It has been sunny at Camas the past few weeks. When high pressure sets up over the Northwest the low lands of eastern Washington tend to be covered in fog. However, up at 3000 feet Camas Meadows is many times above the fog. So we have been driving up from Wenatchee to Camas just to get a chance to snowshoe or ski in the warm sunshine. Come night time though all that heat just escapes into space and having the new wood stove heating the home makes for a cozy time.
We are booked for the next two weekends. But President's Day holiday weekend is still open. There is probably just over a month of ski season left on the meadow. By mid-March we will be waiting on the Glacier Lily's and Spring Beauties to announce the imminent arrival of spring.
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