White Spring at Camas Meadows...
White Spring at Camas Meadows.....
At Camas Meadows there are TWO springs each year. The first is when it gets sunny and warm while there is still snow on the meadow. Temperatures rise in the 60's, but it feels much warmer than that with all the sun's rays reflecting off the snow. You can x-country ski in short sleeves and pants. Don't forget your sun screen, though, that sun can give you a tan or burn in a very short time.
The White Spring at Camas Meadows is quickly followed by the more typical spring conditions. The wildflowers start blooming with Glacier Lily's and Spring Beauties starting the parade of 135 species that bloom on the meadow. On April 15th the elk make their appearance on the meadow for the birth of the calves. With tax day delayed until April 18th this year and with the snow in the meadow it will be interesting to see if the elk delay their appearance by a few days.
Every year we wonder if the Sandhill Cranes will return for their spring tryst at Camas or maybe they have found another spot. This year we have upped the power on the spotting scope and have a camera adapter for better pictures of the cranes should they make their appearance.
May is the perfect time to visit the east slope of the Cascades. Don't miss May wildflowers, blue skies, elk and other creatures on the meadow. If you can only visit Camas Meadows once a year do it in May.
The roads in the area are rapidly melting out and drying out. Those that are plowed all winter like the driveway are clear and the sides are rapidly melting.
The other new news on the meadow is that the Washington State Department of Natural Resources is undertaking a beautification project on the meadow! You ask how can you make Camas Meadows more beautiful that it currently is and besides, is not that a job for God and not a government agency??
Those that have stayed at Camas Meadows have noticed a house off to the west and a couple of hundred yards away from the lodge.
Far enough that we never needed drapes, but close enough to notice.
The DNR has purchased the Fillman property. This gives the lodge a boundary with the Natural Area Preserve. In addition, the DNR will be restoring the Fillman property to its natural state. This will start with the removal of the house and garage and the restoration of the landscape to its natural state.
We are starting to book in May. The flowers peak in mid-May to early June. The elk are usually in the meadow during that time with their calves. And at night the stars fill the entire sky.
One spring is almost gone....the other spring will be starting in a couple of weeks.
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