Summer.........slip, sliding away.
Summer and the season is slowly slip, sliding away. The start of summer at the meadow is noted by the melting of the winter snows on Three Brothers Peak and the emergence of fireweed. The fireweed is the last showy wildflower to appear on the meadow. Once the fireweed is in bloom, summer is in full swing.

The Wenatchee River Salmon Festival is September 20th through the 23rd. This event for kids and adults is at the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery. Loads of fun no matter what your age.
Click on the activities listing on the web site for all the available activities. Don't miss it!!
We have openings from August 11th through the 15th and after August 20th. Festival weekends is late September and early October are still open.
If you are looking for a quiet, relaxing place to stay over Labor Day weekend Camas Meadows is the place. We are worlds away from the hustle and bustle of the last holiday weekend of summer.
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