The Mysterious Ice Sheets of Camas Meadows

Every year at Camas Meadows the seasons are slightly different. Just when you think you have seen it all, something new comes along. This is our twelfth winter at Camas, but our first with the mysterious ice sheets.
This winter we had substantial snowfall and record cold temperatures in December. This was followed by a rain on snow event in January. After this, all the snow and rain ceased and we had warm, sunny days followed by clear, cold nights. We suspect this particular timing of events led to the appearance of the ice sheets at Camas.
In December, with the cold temperatures and snow, it looked like a late spring for sure. January, however, proved to be quite different. We ended up with warm sunny days and cold clear nights. What will February bring?? The first week is forecasted to continue the January pattern.
So spring might be early this year at the meadows. For those of you looking for skiing, snowshoeing, snowball fights or building snowman do not wait to long. Those winter opportunities could just melt away.
This coming weekend is the full moon. Camas Meadows at night under a full moon is something else!We are booked President’s Day weekend. But other weekends are still open. Winter break week is still open and we will honor the 3 for 2 mid-week special. Winter at Camas Meadows is always a treat.
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