Christmas Tree Season

November is the start of Christmas tree season at the meadow. The residents of the meadow are scoping out the young Douglas-fir on National Forest land to pick the perfect Christmas Tree. You can join the hunt. Stay at Camas Meadows Lodge and we will leave a Forest Service Christmas Tree permit, a handsaw for you to use, and a map to find that perfect tree.
November is also the season for the first snowfall. Last year we had four inches of snow on November 1st and well over a foot at Thanksgiving. So far this year the weather has been warm and sunny during the day with cool nights. Check last year's blog for pictures of the snow in November.
The aspen have dropped most of their leaves. The larch have all turned yellow. Once the larch needles have dropped fall will be over at the meadow. Hopefully, soon after, a snowfall will change the meadow to a blanket of white.
Veteran's Day weekend is open. We are booked from November 17th through the 25th. In December, we are booked from December 15th through December 22nd. New Year's Weekend from December 29th through January 1st is also booked.
The first two Christmas Tree Lighting weekends in Leavenworth at open. We are also still open during Christmas!!! December 22nd though December 28th is open and waiting for your family and friends to reserve this special time on the meadow.
We almost always have a white Christmas at Camas! Keep checking this blog for snow updates.
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