Sandhill Cranes and Camas Meadows

We were not quite sure why they kept coming back year after year even though Camas Meadows does not offer good habitat for nesting and particularly the rearing of young. Well this spring our neighbor caught the Cranes in their "mating dance". It seems that the Cranes were using the meadow as a romantic start to raising their families.
For five years now the Cranes have been back for their spring honeymoon. You can catch the Cranes through the spotting scope at the lodge. They are usually gone as the meadow dries out later in May. We are not sure where they go after their "honeymoon" at Camas. But every year at this time they are back at Camas Meadows.
Last week we were skiing on the meadow. This week the snow clings only to the north side of the meadow. By this weekend we suspect all the snow will be gone. On the south facing slopes the Glacier Lily's and Spring Beauties are out in full force. Wildflower season has started and will continue through mid June.
Come join the Sandhill Cranes and the returning elk herd for spring at Camas Meadows. This is our favorite time of year with wildflowers blooming, snow capped peaks, and sunshine with a deep blue luster to the sky. This is the reason that come May the Sandhill Cranes and elk head for Camas Meadows to join the mountain bluebirds and other wildlife on the meadow.
Unlike the Cranes and elk you do have to make reservations to stay at Camas Meadows. Fortunately, we still have plenty of vacancies in May!

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