Everything Happened at Once!!
It has been a cool, but sunny spring. Then everything happened at once! The elk returned to the meadow. This year's count is 27. The Sandhill Cranes left to start raising their young. The flowers started blooming. The aspen buds burst open and now we can hear the rustle of aspen leaves once again.
For one of our younger guests it was not the elk, flowers or the kid toys upstairs that caught her attention, but the frogs. Every spring, at dusk the frog chorus starts up and continues well after dark. At the age of two, this was her first experience with the frog chorus. She sat quietly for twenty minutes and just listened.
She then announced to her parents that she wanted to come back to "her cabin" soon. But don't worry! you can still make Camas "your cabin" by calling soon to reserve your week or long weekend this summer.
As the meadow is drying, the frog chorus will soon fall silent. However, the bugling of the elk and the bird songs will still be there to enthrall both the young and old.
We have plenty of openings in the upcoming summer months. The 4th of July and Labor Day holidays are still open. The Perseid meteor shower in August is still open. Summer at the meadow will be going until Labor Day!