Blue Sunny Skies with Skiffs of Snow

We have had a warm and sunny fall at Camas Meadows. Well, it was warm and sunny until this week when the high were in the teens and the lows reached all the way to minus eight. Fortunately, in eastern Washington it is a "dry" cold! So even the cold temperatures feel much warmer than the thermometer would indicate...when you are standing in the sun. However, standing in the shade means you feel every one of those minus degrees,, but a couple more logs in the wood stove bring the temperatures back into the 70's.
We have had a few dark and stormy days, as the November picture posted below shows. These cold days will bring the important snow base for skiing and sledding. We have had several minor snowstorms, but nothing like the two plus feet on the ground this time last year. In the past 12 years, only one year has not provided enough snow for skiing by Christmas. Even the dark and stormy days have a beauty all of their own and you can watch it out the windows next to a warm and glowing fire.

One of joys of owning Camas Meadows Lodge is sharing the "caben" with the "other" owners. Most of them are well under the age of ten. Camas Meadows is a special place for starting their memories. Come and start your own special memories of Camas Meadows.
We are open until late December.
December 26th through December 29th is booked.
We are open for New Year's weekend and until January 8th.
All the following weekends in January are booked. We still are open on weekdays.
Start your winter memories of Camas Meadows this season.