On the Edge of Winter.......December 16, 2014
On the Edge of Winter...
The season with the most variation at Camas Meadows is fall. We have warm sunny fall weather some years and some years it is an early snowfall that carries into winter. This year it seems we have had it all. Snowfalls, rain, and of course sunny fall weather.
We did have a unique event this year and that was a late November rainbow! I believe this has to be the latest rainbow I have seen in the mountains. Rainbows in Hawaii in December do not count.
The other celestial event happens every December and is getting better year by year. That is the Geminid Meteor shower has become the best meteor shower that is visible every year. It is a tough shower to view since winter clouds and cold usually limit the number of people willing to watch the shower. This year at Camas we had clear skies and fairly warm temperatures at night. The shower was pretty spectacular from about 10:30 pm to about 1:30 am. I managed to get only three photos of meteors and they were all fairly faint.
Early morning is always special at Camas Meadows and this year we had several really special mornings where the fog and sun created a unique view from the rear deck.
The changeable weather of fall should be pretty close to an end. It is snow season at Camas and we expect the snow pack to build quickly as Christmas day approaches. It does look like a white Christmas this year at Camas. We have a few days left open in December and the weekend of January 10th is open. We are booked for Martin Luthers Day weekend.
Winter at Camas. Come see the view from the cabin looking out over the meadow.