More Spring and Less Snow.....
From the cabin the view of Camas Meadows is a solid covering of snow three feet deep extending all the way across the meadow. However, when we skied the meadow we found that Camas Creek is starting to show here and there. It will be a couple more weeks and spring will be here.
In the late 1990's when spring came to Camas it came with a rush. All the snow would melt at once and the meadow would turn into a huge lake about a foot or two deep. Since the ground was previously frozen you could walk the "entire lake" in Camas boots. It was fun following our young daughter around the "lake" and we even made "boats" to float on the new lake.
After a day of two the lake would drain and we would have our meadow back. Then the wildflowers would soon follow.
We are still hopeful for a couple more x-country ski trips before "Camas Lake" makes its temporary appearance.
Spring skiing is the best since you do not need to follow tracks. The corn snow gives plenty of base and great glides. It is like skiing on marbles!! One kick and the slide goes on forever.
As the meadow melts out there are additional ski opportunities up the Forest Service Road 7200 on the other side of the meadow. This road faces north and holds snow for a longer time than the meadow.
We are starting to get inquiries for spring and early summer. So go ahead and make your plans now. There is nothing finer than the wildflowers and blue skies of spring at Camas Meadows.